Saturday, October 10, 2015

Killing Floor 2 (pre alpha)

Killing Floor 2 has been fun it is a multiplayer (pre-release) game on steam from some people that made a mod with unreal 2 and it is relative to left for dead but it's not as much of a "gaytard" waste of time, resident evil 6 has the best actual execution of the zombie horde kill-spree.
There is some kind of modding potential within the community of players but because most of them are pot-head neo-nazi slackers not much will come out of it.
The game is fun and is really nice looking but playing with gay racist cheaters in California makes most of the canon and the game-play options not functional and the game devolves into murder-spree hungry hungry hippos.
If and when the developers create the rest of the game and the over all story is revealed as well as some kind of single player or not then the game goes from being a set of really nice assets and stages to a complete game, right now it is one game type and a bunch or un-relative assets stages and enemy types that kind of relate only in the multiplayer survival mode, Robotron: 2084 has no real story when I first encountered that game as a child it was to abstract for me to comprehend and it took a while for me to get what was going on or the point of the game.
I can say that the story looks like they bored from the Resident evil movies and not so much the games...
If they had a more serious game type that was about holding off the enemy's with limited ammo and also if the welding gun meant something or was necessary at all that would be cool, the logic behind other people playing being able to reach into your ass and pull out ammo is weird because you cannot drop ammo for yourself and there is no "back-pack" on your character if you choose to do that.

Call of duty zombies has a more challenging pace and the backstory is created with an opening movie and the characters then get to kill-spree, there are also robot wheelchairs for super cripples so you basically with you super cripple wheelchair take on the undead horde that came from some kind of  nazi curse or experiment and then goes all the way to the super cripple ruled future.
  then you have the master of the all the greatest beta/mod of all time DayZ mod, where the actin takes second to the what ever the game is supposed to have been about...
They all basically amount to over hyped unfinished cock blocks that are some what of a waste of time but also show that the man-child master race cannot finish what they start and  need to be held accountable for "creating" and selling unfinished products that I myself and many other people have wasted time and money playing and buying.