Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Seige

such a fun game.
Black light retribution has a similar mode but is kind of not as focused and very rare on the servers and a lot of people cheat in that game so it is not as good.
Counter Strike Global Offensive is somewhat similar but kind of retarded and repetitive and also not very good looking.
ARMA III has the potential for something like this too be made or too happen in multiplayer but for some reason it's not a common occurrence and most of the matches are one sided and the single-player has AI that is not very good at flanking and it relies on unnatural advantages like being a hive mind that can see through walls and so on...
Multiplayer TC RS S is really good really fast and everything revolves around teamwork or the individual players knowledge of stacking and room-clearing and offensive and defensive tactics.
But because I live in California its mostly about tolerating racist dope fiends and dumb ass children that have really bad parents that would allow a preteen or teen to play a realistic and violent such as TC RS S.